Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Anything Goes" Movie Poster

This will explain the creative process we take at Nossi College of Art. The first project was a movie poster in Illustration 260

The 1st step- In the creative process that we take in school, we do 10 thumbnails (small simple sketches)

The 2nd step- we critique our thumbs an our peers pick the top 3 thumbnails and then we make them into (5x7in drawings) roughs.

The 3rd step- we do 2 colors of 1 of the roughs. One is where the couple are in the dark and light is coming from behind them. The second is showing the light from the outside is shining on the couple and the room is dark on the inside.

Once the class chooses the one that works best, this is the FINAL RESULT!

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